Week of July 11, 2022
Prayer: Chuck Souder
Quote of the Week: John Ebert
Secretary's Report: None
Treasurer's Report: None
Honors and Illnesses:
- Sympathies to the family and friends of James Grob. James was a reporter at the Charles City Press and active in the community theatre. He was able to see his works performed by the community theatre group just before his passing.
Fun & Frolic: Kay called for $1 from each member in honor of the successful car show
Program: This week's program was a RAGBRAI update presented by Phoebe Pitman and Amy Assink.
Here are some info links you might want to know:
Upcoming Programs
- July 18 - Author Linda Betsinger McCann new book on Prisoner of War Camps in Iowa, which includes the Wildwood site.
- July 25 - Angie Perez, United Way Shoe Drive and National Night Out
New Week Meeting Assignments:
* Reminder: If you are not able to attend, please find someone to fill in for your assignment. *