Week of Oct. 10, 2022
Prayer: Julie Taylor
Quote of the Week: Steve Diers
Secretary's Report: None
Treasurer's Report:
Quarterly invoices have been sent via email. If you don't see your invoice, please contact Chuck.
Honors and Illnesses:
- Thank you note from Luke Paplow for support of his team at the Governor's Charity Steer Show at the State Fair. He raised $32,208 for Ronald McDonald Houses of Iowa. The Steer Show overall raised more than $440,000!
Fun & Frolic: Paul marked Fire Prevention Week and reminded everyone to take this opportunity to review their fire and emergency plans and equipment at their homes and businesses.
Program: This week's program was presented by Community Development Director Mark Wicks on the Main Street Program. Mark shared the program's history, projects and services, and their involvement in the state and national Main Street Programs. He also explained some of the differences between the organizations that share office space at 401 N Main and the City.
Upcoming Programs
- Oct. 17 - Patrick Lumley, EMS Tax Levy
- Oct. 24 - District Governor's Visit
- Oct. 31 - Satellite Club: Holiday Lights Project, Easter Egg Hunt and other happenings
Next Week's Meeting Assignments:
* Reminder: If you are not able to attend, please find someone to fill in for your assignment. *