Week of May 8, 2023
Watch this week's meeting here
Secretary's Report:
Treasurer's Report:
Honors and Illnesses:
- Dean Stewart welcomed a new grandson, Carson Dean Stewart, born to Nick and Bailey Stewart.
- Dennis Donovan's daughter was named in the top 1% of providers with Mayo Clinic
- Tom Barnard's grandson was named All-American Academic Athlete for the MidAmerican Conference
Friends Garden Work Day - Thursday, May 11 at 5pm - More mulch is being delivered to freshen up the garden for spring. Please signup so we know how many helpers are on deck.
Friends Graden Signup
Riverside Cemetary Open House - Monday, May 15 Noon - 3 pm - Stop by to see the amazing projects the 8th-grade team has put together for the cemetery. You can also check out the YouTube Channel created by Mr. Rahmiller here.
Santa's Show & Shine is coming! Save the date - July 15 for this year's car show. The committee is working hard on this event and will be asking for lots of volunteers for this fun event.
Car Show 2023 Flyer
Board Meeting - May 15 at 11am
Join us in person at the Elks or via Zoom
Join Zoom Board Meeting
Meeting ID: 899 4264 5402
Passcode: Rotary5649
Interactive Zoom Meeting -
Remember we will start the Zoom meeting about 12:20pm to allow time for everyone to eat.
Join Noon Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID:876 0955 2142
Passcode: Rotary5649
Have you signed up for your meals?? We need to have an accurate count to ensure we have enough meals for our members and guests. We ask our members to sign up for meals each week to help us control food waste and membership costs. The weekly menus are also shown on the sheet. Please be sure to sign up by noon on Fridays!
Meal Signup Link
Prayer: Keith Christensen
Quote of the Week: Keith Christensen
Fun & Frolic: Larry Pump - Mother's Day Trivia
Program: This week's program was presented by Tad Barry and Tyler Downing with Charles City Youth Baseball. They shared the new city league and traveling team setup and their plans to grow youth baseball in Charles City. The plans include improvements to the facilities at Lion's Field and Sportsman's Park to be able to host more tournaments in Charle City. The group is now a 501(c)3 and has received a $20k investment to kick off their projects.
Upcoming Programs
- May 15 - Sue Ayers, International Project in Belize
- May 22 - Jen Burton, Mobile Food Pantry
Next Week's Meeting Assignments
* Reminder: If you are not able to attend, please find someone to fill in for your assignment. *