Week of February 12, 2024
Scroll for announcements & reminders!
Secretary's Report: None
Treasurer's Report: None
Guests: Jacob Diers, Blake Hoeft, Jen Hoeft, guests of Steve Diers for Fun & Frolic
Honors and Illnesses:
- Thank you note from the family of Mary Jane Gaffey for the memorial given to IC School in her memory
- Car Showing Coming Soon (July 13) - The committee has started meeting for our 2024 show. See Dennis Donovan if you would like to be part of the planning committee. Then save the date! We need all hands on deck for a successful event.
- Board Meeting Next Week- Feb. 19 at 11am
All are invited to participate! Join us in person at the Elks or via Zoom. Send any agenda items to Bill Feller.
Join Zoom Board Meeting
Meeting ID: 899 4264 5402
Passcode: Rotary5649
Please be sure to sign up by noon on Fridays! We need to give an accurate count to Dave's so we have enough meals for our members and guests. Not sure if you will make it? It is better to put your name on the list by noon Friday and take it off later if needed. The weekly menus are also shown on the sheet.
Meal Signup Link
Interactive Weekly Zoom Meeting
Join Noon Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID:876 0955 2142
Passcode: Rotary5649
Remember we will start the Zoom meeting about 12:20pm to allow time for everyone to eat.
Prayer: Anne Lundquist
Quote of the Week: Cathy Rottinghaus
Fun & Frolic: This week we enjoyed Charles City High School students Jacob Diers and Blake Hoeft performing their State Speech Musical Theater duet, “I Guess I Miss You,” from the Sponge Bob SquarePants show
Program: This week's program was presented by Mayor Dean Andrews and Jim Davis, community liaison for AARP. Charles City was named an Age-Friendly Community in 2019. Since that time, community leaders have been working with AARP to create an action plan and working toward goals to making living in Charle City friendly for seniors and people of all ages. Some completed projects to date have included: chagnes in zoning to allow accessory dwelling units, downtown seating areas, bike racks, and home projects allowing homeowners to live in their homes longer. There are still opportunities for people to participate in the Smart Home program - See Dean or Jim if you or someone you know could benefit.
Upcoming Programs
- Feb. 19 - Clayton and Diane Black, Marble Rock Historical Society
- Feb 26 - RYLA Students
Fun & Frolic
2/5 |
Chris Garden |
Erin Gansen-Luong
Steve Diers
Jon Vrieze
2/12 |
Jim Davis |
Julie Taylor |
Cathy Rottinghaus
Julie Taylor
2/19 |
Keith Christensen |
Jon Vrieze |
Dawnett Wilis |
Tammy Elthon |
2/26 |
Dean Stewart |
Pat Gebel |
Kay Winkelman |
William Frye |
* Reminder: If you are not able to attend, please find someone to fill in for your assignment. *