
Each year our Rotary Club honors its members and members of the community during our annual Pass the Buck Night.
Awards given include:
- Sam Soifer Community Service Award
- Leo Lidd Vocational Service Award
- Paul Garthwaite Memorial Award (Rotarian of the Year)
- Presidents Award
- Humanitarian Project Award
- Rotary Foundation Graduate Fellow Awards
- Student Scholarships
Sam Soifer Community Service Award
Awarded to the citizen who has contributed "Over and Beyond the Call of Duty" in their community life.
Awarded to the citizen who has contributed "Over and Beyond the Call of Duty" in their community life.
1949 - Harold Henry
1950 - Captain Spargo
1951 - Louise Christiansen
1952 - Dr. O.H. Banton
1953 - Wayne J. Fluent
1954 - P.C. Lapham
1955 - Robert Sar
1956 - Dr. William Miller
1957 - Don Fluhrer
1958 - Dr. Donald Von Berg
1959 - Carl Hauser
1960 - Dr. J.E. Salsbury
1961 - Clarence Justus
1962 - Dr. Robert Yeager
1963 - John Legal
1964 - Harley Peters
1965 - Weston Blunt
1966 - William Weinberger
1967 - Ted Anderson
1968 - Robert Doubet
1969 - Don Semelhack
1970 - Leo Lidd
1972 - John Emerson
1973 - George Lorber
1974 - Clarence Eppard
1975 - Keith Sylvester
1978 - Leo Lidd
1979 - Weston Blunt
1980 - Ray Isaacson
1981 - Larry Stewart
1982 - Pete Peterson
1983 - Leo Schula
1984 - Steve Lindaman
1985 - Harland Perrin
1986 - Pat Tomson
1988 - Robert Jakoubek
1989 - Judy Hauser -
1990 -Clarence Gage -
1991 -Harry Eastman -
1992 -Robert Monroe -
1993-1996 No award given out
1997 - Mark Wicks
1998 -None
1999 - Gayle Green
2000 - Jim Davis
2001 - Jo Herbrechtsmeyer
2002 - Alan Powell
2003 - Larry Pump
2004 - Connie Parson
2005 - Jere Brands
2006 - Jim Sanner
2007 - Murray Harris
2008 - Doug Kamm
2009 - Ralph Smith
2010 - Dennis Donovan
2011 - Jerry Joerger
2012 - Chris Garden
2013 - Amy Staudt
2014 - Phyllis Meyer
2015 - John & Chris Guthart
2016 - Steve Heitbrink
1950 - Captain Spargo
1951 - Louise Christiansen
1952 - Dr. O.H. Banton
1953 - Wayne J. Fluent
1954 - P.C. Lapham
1955 - Robert Sar
1956 - Dr. William Miller
1957 - Don Fluhrer
1958 - Dr. Donald Von Berg
1959 - Carl Hauser
1960 - Dr. J.E. Salsbury
1961 - Clarence Justus
1962 - Dr. Robert Yeager
1963 - John Legal
1964 - Harley Peters
1965 - Weston Blunt
1966 - William Weinberger
1967 - Ted Anderson
1968 - Robert Doubet
1969 - Don Semelhack
1970 - Leo Lidd
1972 - John Emerson
1973 - George Lorber
1974 - Clarence Eppard
1975 - Keith Sylvester
1978 - Leo Lidd
1979 - Weston Blunt
1980 - Ray Isaacson
1981 - Larry Stewart
1982 - Pete Peterson
1983 - Leo Schula
1984 - Steve Lindaman
1985 - Harland Perrin
1986 - Pat Tomson
1988 - Robert Jakoubek
1989 - Judy Hauser -
1990 -Clarence Gage -
1991 -Harry Eastman -
1992 -Robert Monroe -
1993-1996 No award given out
1997 - Mark Wicks
1998 -None
1999 - Gayle Green
2000 - Jim Davis
2001 - Jo Herbrechtsmeyer
2002 - Alan Powell
2003 - Larry Pump
2004 - Connie Parson
2005 - Jere Brands
2006 - Jim Sanner
2007 - Murray Harris
2008 - Doug Kamm
2009 - Ralph Smith
2010 - Dennis Donovan
2011 - Jerry Joerger
2012 - Chris Garden
2013 - Amy Staudt
2014 - Phyllis Meyer
2015 - John & Chris Guthart
2016 - Steve Heitbrink
2017 - Jeff Sisson
2018 - Jeremy Heyer
2019 - Tim & Patti Speas
2020 - Janet Dunkel and Jackie Moon
2021 - Gail Arjes
2022 - Tami Vetter
2023 - Jamie Lewis
Leo Lidd Vocational Service Award
Awarded to the citizen whose business life best exemplifies the Four Way Test.
Awarded to the citizen whose business life best exemplifies the Four Way Test.
1947 - L.T. Benedict
1948 - L.E. Von Berg
1949 - Mrs. Bea Nelson
1950 - Rev. Wasley Belling
1951 - Cecil Mau
1952 - Dr. J.E. Salsbury
1953 - Howard Yost
1954 - Rev. Harold Putney
1955 - William K. Carr
1956 - Truman Manship
1957 - Harry Clark
1958 - Merten Klaus
1959 - Neal Soaper
1960 - Leo J. Schula
1961 - Leroy Grant
1962 - Mr. & Mrs. Clark Kelly
1963 - Jack Frye
1964 - Harry J. Eastman
1965 - Judge Thomas Beardmore
1966 - Clark Walsh
1967 - Phillip Carbaugh
1968 - Dr. Winston Baltzell
1969 - Helen Webster
1970 - H.M. "Mully" Finch
1972 - Harold Mead
1973 - Addie Heaman/Bob Monroe
1974 - Ralph Thornton
1975 - Esther Charlotte Smith
1978 - Dr. H.A. Tolliver
1979 - Gene Parks
1980 - Sam Soifer
1981 - John Gordon
1982 - Doug Bengtson
1983 - Mrs. Lola Krumm
1984 - Dwight Pogemiller
1985 - Jane Sylvester
1986 - Art Zanotti
1987-1998 No award given out
1999 - Linda Brant
2000 - Janiece Bergland
2001 - Jim Lundberg
2002 - Dan Barrett
2003 - DeLaine Freeseman
2004 - Dick Young
2005 - Erik Hoefer
2006 - Pat Ohlerking
2007 - Dean Marzen
2008 - Bruce Eldridge
2009 - Sam and Scott Soifer
2010 - Mark Wicks
2011 - Cory Mutch
2012 - Jeff Otto
2013 - Alan Powell
2014 - Ann Perry
2015 - Jean Evans
2016 - Brad Lynch
2017 - Rev. Debra Lincoln
2018 - Dena Lundberg
2019 - Dennis Donovan
2020 - Craig Haberkorn
2021 - Dr. Paul Royer
2022 - Roger Mulcahy
2023 - Jim Davis
Paul Garthwaite Memorial Award (Rotarian of the Year)
2000 - Andrew Cerio
2001 - Bill Fluhrer
2002 - Cathy Rottinghaus
2003 - Jody Meyer
2004 - Ann Troge
2005 - Jim Smith and Barb Soifer
2016 - Sheila Wolford
2007 - Tim Garthwaite
2008 - Gene Parson
2009 - Leo Lidd
2010 - Ralph Smith
2011 - Gary Veeder
2012 - Tami Vetter
2013 - Jim Smith
2014 - Dick Nelson and Chuck Souder
2015 - Linda Klemesrud
2016 - Larry Pump
2017 - John Ebert
2018 - Chris Garden
2019 - Paul Burnham
2019 - Paul Burnham
2020 - Ryan Parker
2021 - Marcie Andrews
2022 - Sammy & Jessica Gintz
2023 - Jessie Schultz
Presidents Award
2001 - Tim Garthwaite
2002 - Dan and Sally Frudden
2003 - Alan Powell
2004 - Roy Fry
2005 - Andy Cerio
2006 - Tim Garthwaite
2007 - Gene Parson
2008 - Larry Pump
2009 - Tammy Elthon
2010 - Veronica Litterer
2011 - Keith Starr
2012 - Keith Starr
2013 - William Baresal
2014 - John Ebert
2015 - Jim Smith & Jack Frye
2016 - Chris Garden
2017 - Linda Klemesrud
2018 - Tammy Elthon
2019 - Veronica Litterer
2020 - Sue Ayers
2021 - Dennis Donovan
2022 - Paul Burnham
2023 - Jim Coloff
Humanitarian Project Award
Dr. Werner Pelz, medical emissary to Mexico
Bill Fluhrer, Self-Help to Pakistan
Dean Stewart, medical emissary to Haiti
Randy Heitz, Help to Uganda
Sue Ayers, Homes for Haiti
Chris Garden, Derecho Storm Relief, Central Iowa
Rotary Foundation Graduate Fellow Award (Rotary International)
Donald Swartz - Switzerland
David Klaus - Switzerland
Cameron Cole - Austria
John Klaus - Austria
Ralph McCartney - France